Learn to understand your dog on a whole new level

If you would like to be the first to know when our new online learning platform launches just read on. In addition, if you have any questions please simply click the contact me button below.

I balance both ends of the lead by coaching canines and their companions. Teaching the joys of holistic techniques such as meditation, mindfulness, breathwork, energy work and more.

Welcome, my name is Nina, I am the Holistic Gundog Specialist & Energy Worker. 

I am beyond happy that you have made it to my page because I know that journey that awaits both you, and your dog and I cannot wait to guide you to amazing new places with your dog that you never knew existed!

There are many courses available to teach you to train your dog, about canine body language, nutrition and such but the missing piece is always vibrational energy.

Ways to work with me

Are you a dog owner?

If you are and you would like to learn how you can improve your life and your dogs life with simple yet highly effective energy techniques then click the link below and be the first to know when our online portal goes live by clicking the “I want to be in the know!” button

In addition if you’d like to work 121 with me then please visit my main website to read all about my holistic program OM Dog.

Are you a dog trainer?

If you are, and you would like to learn how you can host a workshop to teach your clients how to improve their lives and their dogs life with simple yet highly effective energy techniques then click the link below and learn more. 

Hosting your very own workshop is simple, and it bring a whole new learning adventure to your lovely clients and their dogs.